
Polishing using short reads only

  1. Prepare sgs_fofn

    ls reads1_R1.fq reads1_R2.fq reads2_R1.fq reads2_R2.fq > sgs.fofn
  2. Create run.cfg

    job_type = local
    job_prefix = nextPolish
    task = best
    rewrite = yes
    rerun = 3
    parallel_jobs = 6
    multithread_jobs = 5
    genome = ./raw.genome.fasta #genome file
    genome_size = auto
    workdir = ./01_rundir
    polish_options = -p {multithread_jobs}
    sgs_fofn = ./sgs.fofn
    sgs_options = -max_depth 100 -bwa
  3. Run

    nextPolish run.cfg
  4. Finally polished genome

    • Sequence: /path_to_work_directory/genome.nextpolish.fasta
    • Statistics: /path_to_work_directory/genome.nextpolish.fasta.stat


User defined alignment pipeline, which will be faster than the default pipeline when runing on a local system. The accuracy of the polished genome is the same as the default.

#Set input and parameters
for ((i=1; i<=${round};i++)); do
#step 1:
   #index the genome file and do alignment
   bwa index ${input};
   bwa mem -t ${threads} ${input} ${read1} ${read2}|samtools view --threads 3 -F 0x4 -b -|samtools fixmate -m --threads 3  - -|samtools sort -m 2g --threads 5 -|samtools markdup --threads 5 -r - sgs.sort.bam
   #index bam and genome files
   samtools index -@ ${threads} sgs.sort.bam;
   samtools faidx ${input};
   #polish genome file
   python NextPolish/lib/nextpolish1.py -g ${input} -t 1 -p ${threads} -s sgs.sort.bam > genome.polishtemp.fa;
   #index genome file and do alignment
   bwa index ${input};
   bwa mem -t ${threads} ${input} ${read1} ${read2}|samtools view --threads 3 -F 0x4 -b -|samtools fixmate -m --threads 3  - -|samtools sort -m 2g --threads 5 -|samtools markdup --threads 5 -r - sgs.sort.bam
   #index bam and genome files
   samtools index -@ ${threads} sgs.sort.bam;
   samtools faidx ${input};
   #polish genome file
   python NextPolish/lib/nextpolish1.py -g ${input} -t 2 -p ${threads} -s sgs.sort.bam > genome.nextpolish.fa;
#Finally polished genome file: genome.nextpolish.fa

Polishing using long reads only

  1. Prepare lgs_fofn

    ls reads1.fq reads2.fa.gz > lgs.fofn
  2. Create run.cfg

    job_type = local
    job_prefix = nextPolish
    task = best
    rewrite = yes
    rerun = 3
    parallel_jobs = 6
    multithread_jobs = 5
    genome = ./raw.genome.fasta #genome file
    genome_size = auto
    workdir = ./01_rundir
    polish_options = -p {multithread_jobs}
    lgs_fofn = ./lgs.fofn
    lgs_options = -min_read_len 1k -max_depth 100
    lgs_minimap2_options = -x map-ont
  3. Run

    nextPolish run.cfg
  4. Finally polished genome

    • Sequence: /path_to_work_directory/genome.nextpolish.fasta
    • Statistics: /path_to_work_directory/genome.nextpolish.fasta.stat


User defined alignment pipeline, which will be faster than the default pipeline when runing on a local system. The accuracy of the polished genome is the same as the default.

#Set input and parameters
read_type=ont #{clr,hifi,ont}, clr=PacBio continuous long read, hifi=PacBio highly accurate long reads, ont=NanoPore 1D reads
mapping_option=(["clr"]="map-pb" ["hifi"]="asm20" ["ont"]="map-ont")

for ((i=1; i<=${round};i++)); do
    minimap2 -ax ${mapping_option[$read_type]} -t ${threads} ${input} ${read}|samtools sort - -m 2g --threads ${threads} -o lgs.sort.bam;
    samtools index lgs.sort.bam;
    ls `pwd`/lgs.sort.bam > lgs.sort.bam.fofn;
    python NextPolish/lib/nextpolish2.py -g ${input} -l lgs.sort.bam.fofn -r ${read_type} -p ${threads} -sp -o genome.nextpolish.fa;
    if ((i!=${round}));then
        mv genome.nextpolish.fa genome.nextpolishtmp.fa;
# Finally polished genome file: genome.nextpolish.fa

Polishing using short reads and long reads

  1. Prepare sgs_fofn

    ls reads1_R1.fq reads1_R2.fq reads2_R1.fq reads2_R2.fq > sgs.fofn
  2. Prepare lgs_fofn

    ls reads1.fq reads2.fa.gz > lgs.fofn
  3. Create run.cfg

    job_type = local
    job_prefix = nextPolish
    task = best
    rewrite = yes
    rerun = 3
    parallel_jobs = 6
    multithread_jobs = 5
    genome = ./raw.genome.fasta
    genome_size = auto
    workdir = ./01_rundir
    polish_options = -p {multithread_jobs}
    sgs_fofn = ./sgs.fofn
    sgs_options = -max_depth 100 -bwa
    lgs_fofn = ./lgs.fofn
    lgs_options = -min_read_len 1k -max_depth 100
    lgs_minimap2_options = -x map-ont
  4. Run

    nextPolish run.cfg
  5. Finally polished genome

    • Sequence: /path_to_work_directory/genome.nextpolish.fasta
    • Statistics: /path_to_work_directory/genome.nextpolish.fasta.stat

Polishing using short reads and hifi reads

  1. Prepare sgs_fofn

    ls reads1_R1.fq reads1_R2.fq reads2_R1.fq reads2_R2.fq > sgs.fofn
  2. Prepare hifi_fofn

    ls reads1.fq reads2.fa.gz > hifi.fofn
  3. Create run.cfg

    job_type = local
    job_prefix = nextPolish
    task = best
    rewrite = yes
    rerun = 3
    parallel_jobs = 6
    multithread_jobs = 5
    genome = ./raw.genome.fasta
    genome_size = auto
    workdir = ./01_rundir
    polish_options = -p {multithread_jobs}
    sgs_fofn = ./sgs.fofn
    sgs_options = -max_depth 100 -bwa
    hifi_fofn = ./hifi.fofn
    hifi_options = -min_read_len 1k -max_depth 100
    hifi_minimap2_options = -x map-pb
  4. Run

    nextPolish run.cfg
  5. Finally polished genome

    • Sequence: /path_to_work_directory/genome.nextpolish.fasta
    • Statistics: /path_to_work_directory/genome.nextpolish.fasta.stat